Intersection accidents occur when two or more vehicles collide at a point where two or more roads cross each other. These accidents often involve vehicles traveling in different directions, leading to severe impacts. In California, these accidents often lead to severe injuries, significant property damage, and even fatalities. If you need legal help for intersection accidents, schedule your free consultation with a trusted car accident law firm in California today. 

Intersection Accident Information and Statistics in California 

Intersection accidents are a significant concern in California. According to the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), a considerable percentage of traffic accidents occur at intersections.

  • In 2021, the OTS reported that approximately 40% of all traffic collisions in California occurred at intersections, with a large proportion resulting in injuries or fatalities.
  • The Federal Highway Administration has noted that intersection-related crashes account for nearly 25% of all traffic fatalities and 50% of all traffic injuries nationwide. 

Legal Considerations in Intersection Accidents

California Traffic Laws Related to Intersections

Right-of-Way Rules: California law is clear on right-of-way rules at intersections. Vehicles must yield to pedestrians in crosswalks and to other vehicles already in the intersection. Drivers making left turns must yield to oncoming traffic unless they have a green arrow indicating otherwise.

Traffic Signals and Signs: Drivers must obey all traffic signals and signs to ensure intersection safety. Running a red light or stop sign is not only illegal but also a significant factor in determining fault in an accident.

California Vehicle Code Section 21800: This addresses the right-of-way at intersections, stating that the driver on the left must yield to the driver on the right when two vehicles approach an intersection simultaneously.

Determining Fault in Intersection Accidents

Fault Determination: Determining fault in intersection accidents can be complex and depends on several factors, including the actions of both drivers, adherence to traffic laws (such as obeying traffic signs at signalized intersections), and the presence of any mitigating circumstances.

Comparative Negligence: California follows the principle of comparative negligence, meaning that fault can be distributed between parties. If both drivers contributed to the car crash, each may bear a percentage of the fault, which will affect the compensation they can receive.

Intersection Accident Insurance Claims 

Filing a Claim: After an intersection accident, you will need to file a claim with your insurance company or the other driver’s insurance, depending on who is at fault. California is a fault state, meaning the at-fault driver’s insurance is typically responsible for covering damages.

Uninsured Motorist Coverage: In cases where the at-fault driver is uninsured, your uninsured motorist coverage may cover your serious injuries and damages. A California car accident lawyer can also help you recover compensation through a personal injury lawsuit.

The Role of Evidence in Intersection Accidents

  • Law Enforcement Reports: The police report is a critical piece of evidence in intersection accidents. It may include details about traffic violations, witness statements, and the officer’s assessment of fault.
  • Surveillance Camera Footage: Many intersections are equipped with traffic cameras that can capture the accident as it happens, providing invaluable evidence of the events leading up to the collision.
  • Dash Cam Footage: If you or another driver has a dash cam, the footage can provide a clear and unbiased account of the accident.
  • Eyewitness Statements: Witnesses who saw the accident can offer testimony about what happened, which can be crucial in determining fault.
  • Position of the Vehicles: The final resting positions of the vehicles after the accident can help accident reconstruction experts determine how the collision occurred.
  • Location of Vehicle Damage: The points of impact on the vehicles can indicate which driver may have been at fault.
  • Skid Marks: Skid marks on the road can help determine the speed of the vehicles and whether the drivers attempted to stop before the collision.
  • Black Box Data (for Commercial Vehicles): Many commercial vehicles are equipped with black boxes that record data such as speed, braking, and acceleration, which can be analyzed to understand the moments leading up to the crash.
  • Accident Reconstruction Reports: In severe cases, accident reconstruction experts may be employed to recreate the accident and provide a professional opinion on how it occurred and who was at fault.

Common Causes of Crashes at Intersections in California 

  • Running Red Lights or Stop Signs: One of the most frequent causes of intersection accidents is when a driver fails to stop at a red light, stop sign or other traffic signs, or another traffic control device.
  • Failure to Yield: Many intersection crashes happen when drivers do not yield the right-of-way, especially during left turns or when entering a major road from a minor road.
  • Speeding: Excessive speed reduces a driver’s ability to stop or maneuver to avoid a collision, especially at intersections.
  • Distracted Driving: Using a phone, eating, or other distractions can cause drivers to not notice signals or other vehicles, leading to accidents.
  • Impaired Driving: Alcohol or drug impairment slows reaction times and impairs judgment, increasing the risk of intersection collisions or pedestrian accidents.
  • Obstructed Views: Buildings, trees, or parked cars can block a driver’s view, making it difficult to see oncoming traffic.

Types of Intersection Accidents in California 

T-Bone Collisions

T-Bone intersection collisions occur when the front of one vehicle crashes into the side of another, forming a “T” shape. These types of accidents are common at intersections, especially when a driver runs a red light or fails to stop at a stop sign. The impact is particularly dangerous for the occupants on the side of the vehicle that is hit because it can result in severe injuries due to the limited protection in those areas.

Rear-End Collisions

Rear-end collisions happen when one vehicle crashes into the back of another vehicle that is stopped or slowing down. These accidents may occur at intersections, especially when a driver fails to notice that the traffic ahead has come to a stop. Rear-end collisions can lead to injuries like whiplash, particularly when the impact occurs at high speeds, making them one of the most common types of intersection accidents.

Side-Impact Collisions

Side-impact collisions occur when the side of one vehicle is struck by the front or rear of another vehicle. These accidents are common at intersections when a driver makes an improper left turn or fails to yield to oncoming traffic. The limited protection on the sides of vehicles means that side-impact collisions can cause significant injuries, highlighting the importance of cautious driving in these situations.

Other Types of Intersection Accidents

Head-On Collisions: These typically occur at intersections when one vehicle crosses into oncoming traffic, often due to a misjudged turn or failure to obey traffic signals.

Multi-Vehicle Pileups:  These involve several vehicles and often occur in heavy traffic when one accident triggers a chain reaction, particularly in busy intersections.

Pedestrian and Bicycle Accidents: These can occur when drivers fail to yield to pedestrians or cyclists crossing the intersection, leading to severe or fatal injuries.

Photo of Car Accident

What to Do After a Car Accident at an Intersection in California

Check for Injuries

Ensure the safety of yourself and others involved in the accident. Call 911 immediately if anyone is injured.

Move to Safety

If possible, move your vehicle to a safe location away from traffic to prevent further accidents.

Call Law Enforcement

Report the accident to the police. They will document the scene and create an official report, which can be crucial for your case.

Gather Evidence

Take photographs of the accident scene, vehicle damage, license plates, and any relevant traffic signals or signs. Also, note the positions of the vehicles involved.

Collect Information

Exchange contact and insurance information with the other driver(s). Obtain names, phone numbers, and addresses of any witnesses as well.

Notify Your Insurance Company

Report the intersection collision to your insurance provider as soon as possible. Give them the details and evidence you collected.

Seek Medical Attention

Even if you feel fine, see a doctor for a check-up. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent and having a medical record is important for your claim.

Consult an Attorney

Choose an experienced California personal injury attorney. They can guide you through the legal process and help maximize your compensation.

Get Strong Legal Representation from a Seasoned California Intersection Accident Lawyer  

If you have been injured in an intersection accident in California, don’t settle for less—fight back with the King Law Firm by your side. Led by powerhouse attorney Kenneth King, who has recovered over $50 million for his clients, we are ready to take on large insurance companies and pursue the largest possible compensation you are entitled to. Your future is worth the fight. To schedule a free consultation, call us at 805-628-4869 or contact us online.